co-marketing leads for realtors and MLOs
co-marketing leads for realtors and MLOs

Proven and affordable lead generation for Realtors & MLOs:  How our lead generation process works for co-marketing teams!

Our System Isn't Just For Mortgage Loan Originators

comarketing for mortgage loan officer and real estate agents

Don't be fooled by the word "MORTGAGE"...

Our marketing programs generate great leads for real estate agents, just as they do for loan originators.

In fact, our best client results are typically from hungry, smart and experience MLO and agent teams!

We've found this combination just can't be beat when it comes to closing home-buyer leads.

95% of the leads we generate for MLOs don't have a Realtor.

98% of the leads haven't spoken to another MLO.

This is the perfect combination for lead comarketing with Realtors and MLOs.

Blows The Co-Marketing 'Competition' Out Of The Water!

better loan officer and realtor comarketing leads

There are 5 BIG PROBLEMS with other lead comarketing options:

Horrible conversion rates

High costs or steep commission shares

Shared leads (not exclusive)

 The leads have a lender already

You're paired with some you don't know (or trust)

Why Our Leads Convert Better:

✔︎ Leads need both a MLO & Realtor

✔︎ Leads fill out longform information

✔︎ Leads are looking for a pre-approval first

✔︎ Leads are generated without bait & switch tactics

✔︎ Sophisticated automations convert leads easier

✔︎ Appointment setter teams are available to assist

No Middleman = Lower Costs & Exclusive Leads

✔︎ Lead costs are NOT marked up

✔︎ Every lead is exclusively for Your Team

✔︎ NO commissions shared (just flat rates)

✔︎ Lead quantities are guaranteed

✔︎ Affordable options starting at $230/mo

Please Note: We do NOT pair you with a counterpart MLO or agent. All co-marketing teams would be formed amongst yourselves and participate in our solutions jointly.


better loan officer and realtor comarketing leads

There are 4 BIG problems with other lead comarketing options:

Horrible conversion rates

High costs or excessive commission shares

Shared leads (not exclusive)

 The leads have a lender & only need an agent

Why Our Leads Convert Better:

✔︎ Our leads need both a lender & Realtor

✔︎ Leads fill out longform information

✔︎ Leads are looking for a pre-approval first

✔︎ Leads are generated without bait & switch tactics

✔︎ Sophisticated automations help convert leads easier

✔︎ Appointment setter teams are available to assist

No Middleman = Lower Costs & Exclusive Leads

✔︎ Lead costs are NOT marked up

✔︎ Every lead is generated specifically for YOU

✔︎ NO commissions shared (just flat rates)

✔︎ Lead quantities are guaranteed

✔︎ Affordable options starting at $230/mo

Please note that we do NOT pair you up with a counterpart MLO or agent. All co-marketing teams would be formed amongst yourselves and invest in our solutions jointly together.

Schedule A Call To Learn More

How Our Co-Marketing Process Works

best real estate leads, leads for realtors, leads for real estate agents


When it comes to the lead marketing, we use the same, proven process used when we're just generating leads for MLOs.

The leads are always live, exclusive and longform.

If you want to see an overview of that process, CLICK HERE.   

But what's important to note is that we are still 'hooking' the leads with a mortgage and pre-approval advertising angle. 

We don't show them a pretty house and have the lead opt-in for more information, like so many other lead vendors out there. 

In our years of testing, we've discovered that mortgage leads make the best real estate leads too... 

And using a 'real estate angle' to motivate leads to opt-in generates extremely low-quality, unresponsive leads, as opposed to our...

Longform mortgage leads that generally have about a 60-70% response rate.

Since 95% of the mortgage leads we generate also need a Realtor, it makes more sense to acquire leads through this process.  

Besides, real estate agents don't want to waste time with unqualified buyers...

So its best to start off with leads who are ready and willing to engage in the qualification process first anyway. 


While most of our co-marketing teams have the MLO at the forefront of the lead-handling, it doesn't have to be that way.

Our flexible lead routing & automated lead follow-up system will allow for almost any scenario you can imagine, even if you have teams larger than two people.

So if you prefer a round-robin lead distribution, a Realtor-first lead distribution or some other combination, we can make it happen!


Yes, it absolutely is.  

In fact, we've been approved with dozens of companies who've gone over our process with a fine tooth comb and confirmed we're doing it the right way!

We split the billing 50/50 just like you're supposed to.

We feature both the MLO and the Real Estate Agent 50/50 in the advertising so both of you are... 

👍 Building brand awareness with ads 

👍Creating trust with the leads and 

👍 Staying within regulations!

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100% Exclusive, Live, qualified, long-Form leads

Anyone who's bought shared leads knows, they're hard to convert.  

They get slammed with calls from your competitors and if you're not the first to call, you probably won't get the deal.

Generating a qualified lead requires plenty of information from the potential client. 

You need to be able to determine the value of a lead right away and they need to prove they're interest is high enough to spend some time answering questions.

Many lead sources and lead generation agencies take the short cut.  But when you see our demo video, you'll understand why doing it this way is so important to creating leads that actually convert.

Double Or Triple Your Business With Our Strategies

Is it realistic to expect to double or triple your business with our program? Yes, in some cases it is!

But this 'measurement' depends on many factors including your current situation, your goals, drive, motivation and other 'pieces' of the equation.  

We have helped more MLOs & agents 2-3x their business than we can count.  But you should not expect overnight success with any marketing effort. Our strategies are not a 'flash-in-the-pan', but a systematic approach that works with enough time and effort on your part.

Some of our clients and trainees use our system as their main source of business but most use it as a secondary or supplemental source of business.  

We've really designed our program to prevent dry spells or lulls in your business resulting from the unpredictable nature of referral-based business.

More Than Just Leads: Automations that help you convert more & easier

Generating the lead is only the first step. We know that conversions are the second step and perhaps the most important.

Conversions don't always happen right away nor do they always happen within a few weeks. Our automated lead follow-up system goes way beyond basic outreach, and accounts for every scenario and situation you'll encounter to help you convert more with less effort.

Our system is also designed to reactivate your past client database - whether to win more purchase deals or refinance opportunities.

We Aren't Lead Sellers, We are Lead Generators & there's a Huge difference!

Technically, we're a marketing agency that generates leads. 

But what's the difference between a lead seller and a lead generator and what's that mean to you?


They're a lot lower with us as an agency, especially if you want to scale to larger quantities of leads.

We have several options when working with us (see section below), but when you hire us to do the work for you you're basically paying for two things.

1. What we spend on advertising
2. What we charge to do the work

Our fees to do the work do NOT increase even if your budget does, which means every extra dollar you spend goes right to where it matters the most: to your online advertisements (not us).

Doubling your lead flow, does NOT mean doubling your cost.  In fact, it's much lower.  Lead sellers could never offer that.

Furthermore, most lead sellers actually buy their leads from agencies like ours.  That means you're paying the markup of 2 middlemen.  With us, you're going direct to the source - no middleman!


When you hire us to do the work, we are 100% invisible to the consumer.  This isn't like Zillow or some place like that.  Our marketing puts you at the forefront.  In fact, a lead always knows who YOU are before they become one, which makes for much warmer leads!

experience counts & we're dedicated to marketing for this industry only!

Our agency has been working in this space since 2016, and decided in early 2017 that this was the ONLY industry we'd specialize in.

As they say... "A jack of all trades is a master of none."  We decided to take this to heart and become the masters of mortgage & real estate marketing!

  • Over 1,000,000 Leads Generated 
  • Over $300 Million In Fundings Produced From Our Strategies
  • Approved & Vetted With Over A Dozen Major Companies
  • ​Experience Working With Over 500 MLOs and Agents
  • ​Over $750,000 Directly Spent On Advertising

Facebook™ Certified Partner Agency & More!

We don't just use Facebook ™ as an advertising platform, but after testing them all, we know this one produces the best bang for your buck!

Facebook ™ trusts us.  You can too.

(By the way...  Facebook™ owns Instagram™, so yes, we use it!)

We still find value in using other platforms, especially for our advanced retargeting strategies that allow us to follow your clients, leads and interested parties over 80% of the internet.

Our System Demo videos

Whether you hire us to do the work or learn it in our training program, this is our unique process for generating qualified, exclusive leads.

The power of your own leads = more referrals

One of the most popular reasons mortgage loan officers use our platform is to get more agent and client referrals.

The vast majority of home buyer leads generated do NOT have a Realtor ® they're working with which gives loan officers the power of leverage, allowing them to feed deals to the agents they want to work most with.

Of course, client referrals are still important as well. The beauty of digital marketing is that it grows your sphere of influence beyond what is normally possible with referral-only business.  

The more clients you get, the more referral opportunities you have!

Our Guarantees!

It's always nice to know there are guarantees right?


When you hire us to do the work (becoming a client), we do offer lead quantity guarantees for most programs.


We know that 'learning how to do something' can be scary.  You may be wondering if you can do it and whether or not we can teach it. 

We alleviate these concerns by allowing you to participate with a NO RISK guarantee like this. 


We know that one size does NOT fit all.  

Because we work with individuals, teams, branches and entire companies we offer a wide range of options to suit everyone.   Standard & custom packages are available.

Minimum investment options start at $1000 for the training program and $1500 for co-marketing client programs.